Reduce Your Unplanned Downtime to Improve Capacity Utilization

Increase visibility into equipment performance and enable employees to address problems before they arise with real-time asset monitoring, predictive analytics, and smarter work instructions

Reduce unplanned downtime throughout the manufacturing process

Leading manufacturers work with PTC to improve capacity utilization through asset health monitoring, predictive analytics, and digital and augmented work instructions. Our customers achieve:

Up to a

Reduction in downtime

Up to a

Decrease in changeover time

Up to a

CapEx avoidance

Improve capacity utilization with real-time connected data

Every minute of unplanned downtime costs you money. Maximize uptime and minimize unplanned downtime to stay competitive—and get ahead. Take control of your current asset performance and create a roadmap to measure and optimize your total effective equipment performance (TEEP). PTC’s digital manufacturing solutions help leaders understand their capacity utilization by combining insights from:

Asset health monitoring

Eliminate the risk of unplanned downtime with ongoing asset monitoring to detect abnormal conditions and understand the root cause before production is affected. Get Started

Predictive analytics

Take steps to address potential equipment failures before they lead to unplanned downtime. Watch the Webcast

Digital work instructions

Reduce the chances of safety issues and errors that can lead to unplanned downtime with digital and augmented work instructions. Optimize Your Workforce

Real-time production monitoring

Get up-to-the-minute insights on your production at the plant, line, and product levels with real-time performance KPIs and production monitoring. Reduce Downtime

Improve capacity utilization with PTC

LACROIX Electronics logo

LACROIX Electronics

LACROIX Electronics drove asset efficiency by leveraging PTC’s real-time visibility solutions to reduce equipment failures and component defects.

Read Case Study


HIROTEC deployed asset monitoring in just six weeks to achieve reduced downtime and measurable CapEx avoidance through proactive monitoring and preventative maintenance.

Follow Their Journey