What is a Software-Defined Vehicle?

Written by: Hanna Taller

Read Time: 6 min

The automotive industry is evolving at a breakneck speed and isn’t showing any signs of slowing down. The future of cars is not just connected, and electric, but also driven by advancements in software-defined architecture. 

What is a software-defined vehicle? 

A software-defined vehicle (SDV) is any vehicle where software plays a central role in managing and enhancing its functions and features. Unlike traditional vehicles that rely primarily on mechanical and hardware components, SDVs use centralized computing architecture to control various systems, allowing for over-the-air updates, advanced connectivity, and sophisticated driver assistance or autonomous driving capabilities. These vehicles offer customizable user experiences, integrate seamlessly with digital ecosystems, and utilize data analytics for improved safety, efficiency, and maintenance. 

What are the benefits of a software-defined vehicle? 

SVDs offer numerous benefits, transforming the automotive industry by enhancing the driving experience, safety, and vehicle management. Key benefits include: 

Improved safety 

Software-defined vehicles enhance safety through advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving technologies. These systems utilize real-time data from sensors and cameras to monitor the vehicle’s environment and make split-second decisions to prevent accidents. Features such as automated emergency braking, lane-keeping assist, and adaptive cruise control significantly reduce the likelihood of collisions. 

Access to new features 

SDVs offer the ability to receive over-the-air updates, allowing manufacturers to introduce new features and improvements without requiring the change of a physical part. This means that drivers can benefit from the latest technological advancements and enhancements as soon as they are available. New functionalities, such as improved navigation systems, enhanced infotainment options, and additional ADAS capabilities, can be added to the vehicle throughout its lifecycle.  

Insight into vehicle performance through telematics 

Telematics systems in SDVs provide detailed insights into vehicle performance, health, and usage patterns. By collecting and analyzing data on engine performance, fuel efficiency, and maintenance needs, telematics enables predictive maintenance and early detection of potential issues. This data-driven approach helps reduce downtime and repair costs by addressing problems before they become serious. Telematics can offer valuable feedback to manufacturers for future vehicle improvements and design optimizations.  

Increased comfort

Software-driven personalization allows drivers and passengers to set preferences for temperature, seat positioning, and ambient lighting, creating a tailored in-car environment. Adaptive systems can automatically adjust settings based on individual preferences and environmental conditions, ensuring optimal comfort at all times. Noise-canceling technologies and smooth driving dynamics contribute to a more pleasant driving experience. 

Continuous connectivity

SDVs are designed to be highly connected, supporting features, such as vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication, integrations with smart infrastructure, and seamless connectivity with smartphones and other digital devices. This connectivity facilitates real-time data exchange, navigation assistance, and remote diagnostics. 

What’s the difference between software-defined vehicles and a connected vehicle?

Software-defined and connected vehicles share some similarities but are distinct in primary focus and capabilities. The former revolves around the central role of software in controlling and enhancing a car’s functions and features. This includes advanced computing and architecture that manage everything from performance optimization to driver assistance systems and autonomous driving capabilities. SDVs benefit from over-the-air updates, allowing manufacturers to continuously improve features, fix bugs, and enhance security without requiring physical repairs. The emphasis is on the adaptability and continuous evolution of the vehicle through software innovations. 

In contrast, connected vehicles primarily focus on communication and connectivity features, enabling the car to interact with external systems and networks. This includes vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication, and integration with various digital ecosystems. Connected vehicles enhance the driving experience by providing real-time navigation, traffic updates, remote diagnostics, and seamless integration with smart devices and services. While connected vehicles rely on advanced software to enable these features, their core value lies in connectivity and the ability to exchange information with external sources, rather than the comprehensive software-centric control and continuous improvements characteristic of SDVs. 

What is the architecture of software-defined vehicles?

The architecture of SDVs integrates advanced software applications with robust hardware components to create a highly adaptive, connected, and intelligent vehicle. The key components of this architecture include the following: 

User applications

User applications in software-defined vehicles include infotainment systems that provide entertainment, navigation, and connectivity services with customizable interfaces. Driver assistance applications support ADAS features like adaptive cruise control and automated parking. These applications allow drivers to personalize their experience. Additionally, vehicle management apps provide information on vehicle health, maintenance schedules, and performance analytics.  


These cars are equipped with a network of sensors, including cameras, radar, lidar, and ultrasonic sensors, which gather data about the vehicle’s surroundings and internal systems. Actuators in the car control physical actions such as braking and steering based on commands from the software. Instrumentation ensures that the vehicle can perceive its environment accurately and respond to user inputs effectively. These components are crucial for enabling advanced features and ensuring safety. 

Embedded OS

Embedded OSes in SDVs include Real-Time Operating Sytems (RTOS) that manage safety-critical and time-sensitive tasks, ensuring they operate within strict timing constraints. General Purpose Operating Systems handle less time-critical applications like infotainment and user interface functions. Middleware layers provide common services that facilitate communication between the car’s hardware and software components. These OSes ensure the seamless operation of various applications and the efficient management of resources. The embedded OS forms the backbone of the vehicle’s software environment. 


The hardware in software-defined vehicles includes powerful CPUs and GPUs that handle complex computations, such as image processing and machine learning algorithms. Electronic Control Units (ECUs) manage specific subsystems like powertrain and braking, although many functions are centralized. Memory and storage solutions are designed to handle the large volumes of data generated and processed by the vehicle’s systems. Connectivity modules enable V2X communication and over-the-air updates, ensuring the vehicle remains up-to-date and connected. 

Challenges in software-defined vehicles


SVDs face significant cybersecurity challenges due to their reliance on complex software and extensive connectivity. These vehicles are susceptible to hacking and malware attacks, which can compromise critical systems and endanger passenger safety. Ensuring robust security measures, including encryption, secure boot processes, and regular software updates is essential to protect against these threats.  

Compatibility and interoperability issues

Integrating different systems and ensuring they work seamlessly together can be complex, especially when dealing with components from various manufacturers. Standardizing protocols and interfaces are crucial to achieving interoperability, but this process can be slow and fragmented across the industry. Moreover, ensuring backward compatibility with older systems while incorporating cutting-edge technologies adds to the complexity. Resolving these issues is essential for the smooth operation and future scalability of SDVs. 


Engineers, technicians, and developers must be proficient in advanced software, cybersecurity, and data analytics, which call for ongoing education and training programs. Additionally, drivers and users have to be educated on the new functionalities and safety features to use the vehicles effectively and safely. Developing comprehensive training programs for all stakeholders is essential to ensure that the benefits of SDVs are fully realized. The rapid pace of technological advancements in SDVs means that continuous learning and adaptation are required. 

Dependence on software reliability

The performance and safety of SDVs hinge on the robustness of their software. Bugs, glitches, or failures can lead to critical systems malfunctions, impacting vehicle operations and endangering passengers. Rigorous testing and validation processes are necessary to ensure software reliability, regular updates and patches are required to address emerging issues. The high stakes of software reliability in SDVs demand continuous improvement and stringent quality assurance measures. 

The future of software-defined vehicles

The future of software-defined vehicles promises to revolutionize the automotive industry by making vehicles more intelligent, adaptive, and connected. As advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analytics continue to evolve, SDVs will become increasingly capable of autonomous driving, real-time decision-making, and predictive maintenance. Enhanced connectivity will enable vehicles to communicate seamlessly with each other and with smart infrastructure, improving traffic flow, reducing accidents, and optimizing energy consumption. Over-the-air updates will keep vehicles up-to-date with the latest features and security enhancements, ensuring they remain at the cutting edge of technology throughout their lifespan. 

Furthermore, the transition to SDVs will facilitate the integration of new business models and services, such as shared mobility, subscription-based vehicle features, and personalized in-car experiences.

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About the Author

Hanna Taller

Hanna Taller is a content creator for PTC’s ALM Marketing team. She is responsible for increasing brand awareness and driving thought leadership for Codebeamer. Hanna is passionate about creating insightful content centered around ALM, life sciences, automotive technology, and avionics.