Highlights from Volkswagen's Servigistics Summit

Written by: Bradley Rhoton

Read Time: 5 min

The recent Servigistics Customer Advisory Group meeting, hosted at Volkswagen Group’s breathtaking Autostadt in Wolfsburg, Germany, was a remarkable event that underscored the vitality and industry leadership of Servigistics and the maturity and excellence among the Servigistics client base. The Servigistics Customer Advisory Group was recognized as a distinguished, high-value, and industry-leading organization in the IDC MarketScape for Worldwide Service Parts Planning Applications. Servigistics continues to set the benchmark for excellence in service parts optimization.


The energy at the Autostadt was palpable, fueled by the enthusiasm and passion of Servigistics leaders, clients, partners, and guests. This vibrant assembly of minds celebrated success, shared knowledge, and forged new paths in service parts optimization. But it wasn’t all about software, advanced data science, and service supply chain optimization. Touring the Autostadt was inspiring and educational, with guests learning about the Volkswagen factory’s maximum production capacity of 3,800 vehicles per day, visiting the futuristic autonomous vehicle delivery towers, experiencing the Porsche and Audi brand pavilions, and touring the Autostadt Museum of Mobility. It was a lot of memorable moments for a two-day gathering!


A Showcase of Excellence and Collaboration

The event's highlight was the engaging presentations from some of the industry's foremost leaders. Representatives from Scania, Kone, Rolls-Royce Defense, Volkswagen Group, Philips Healthcare, and Daikin each took the podium to share their winning strategies, best practices, lessons learned, and priorities for continued success. These presentations provided invaluable insights, demonstrating how these industry giants leverage Servigistics’ cutting-edge capabilities to enhance their service parts operations.



Image: (left to right) Dennis HilleHead of BPM Genuine Parts, Group After Sales, Group Supply Chain Management, and Dr. Konrad Schade, Head of Inventory Solutions, Group After Sales, Group Supply Chain Management, describe Volkswagen's rigorous selection criteria which led to the selection of Servigistics to optimize its service supply chain and the agile implementation plans.


State of the Business: A Bright Future Ahead

Servigistics leadership delivered an encouraging report on the state of the business unit, highlighting growing investment by PTC and funding for innovation, reviewing significant R&D achievements, and laying out the pathway of continued leadership and a stable, promising future. The discussions underscored the company's robust health and strategic direction, instilling confidence in clients and partners about the sustained excellence and innovation that Servigistics is known for.


Innovations in Servigistics 13.1

Product and R&D leaders captivated the audience with a detailed overview of the recent major release, Servigistics 13.1. This latest iteration is packed with powerful innovations, particularly in the areas of AI and machine learning, optimization, and sustainability. These advancements are designed to further empower organizations in their service parts optimization processes, enhancing efficiency, reducing waste, and promoting eco-friendly practices. Steven Caldwell, Vice President of Servigistics Technical Solutions, said it best, “the Servigistics innovations in version 13.1 will help our clients make a huge leap forward in achieving a self-healing autonomous planning system capable of maximizing service outcomes for organizations large and small.”  



Image: (left to right) Chris Mitchell, Account Director, Servigistics EMEA & India, PTC, opens the Servigistics Customer Advisory Group meeting at Volkswagen's Autostadt, welcoming European clients, partners, and guests. Leslie Paulson, DVP, General Manager, Servigistics Business Unit, PTC, delivers a state-of-the-business presentation that includes a strategic vision to capitalize on exponential technologies. Steven Caldwell, Vice President of Servigistics Technical Solutions, PTC, shares updates from the Servigistics 13.1 release.


Masterclass Training

One of the standout sessions of the event was the Servigistics Multi-Echelon Optimization masterclass, delivered by service supply chain optimization experts. This masterclass received high praise from clients, who credited it with providing a better foundational understanding of service supply chain theory and optimization methods. Attendees appreciated the in-depth exploration of multi-echelon inventory optimization, practical tuning advice, and strategies for achieving superior outcomes. As one client said, “I learned so much during the meeting and have been raving about it to my team and manager since I got back. The connections with other client leaders are invaluable!” The masterclass not only enhanced their technical knowledge but also equipped them with actionable insights to further optimize their own service supply chains effectively.


Interactive Roundtables: Knowledge Sharing and Problem Solving

One of the most enriching aspects of the meeting was the interactive roundtables. These sessions fostered an environment of knowledge sharing, problem-solving, and idea generation. Participants engaged in deep discussions to tackle complex service supply chain challenges, drawing on the collective expertise and experience present in the room. The collaborative spirit of these roundtables highlighted the strength and advantage of being part of the Servigistics community.  


A Wealth of Experience and Insight

As the meeting drew to a close, it was evident that the Servigistics Customer Advisory Group meetings are more than just events; they are invaluable platforms for growth, learning, and collaboration. The wealth of experience available through these gatherings is a significant advantage for Servigistics leaders, clients, and partners alike.


The Servigistics Customer Advisory Group meeting at Volkswagen Group’s Autostadt was a resounding success, celebrating the shared commitment to excellence in service parts optimization. The insights gained, relationships strengthened, and innovations unveiled during this event are sure to drive continued success for all involved in service supply chain optimization.


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Tags: Service Lifecycle Management (SLM) Servigistics Automotive Electronics and High Tech Industrial Equipment Life Sciences Software and Technology Artificial Intelligence Connected Devices Customer Experience Digital Thread Digital Transformation Digital Twin Industry 4.0 Predictive Analytics Predictive Maintenance SaaS Service Optimization Service Parts Service Revenue Simulation Sustainability Improve Customer Satisfaction Improve Service Efficiency Increase Asset Efficiency Maximize Revenue Growth Reduce Service Costs Sustainability Initiatives

About the Author

Bradley Rhoton

Bradley Rhoton is the Marketing Manager for the Servigistics Business Unit at PTC. He leads and organizes the Servigistics client affinity group organizations and facilitates best practice sharing and knowledge transfer between PTC, PTC clients and industry thought leaders. For 13 years he has worked closely with Servigistics clients to help capture their service program accomplishments and share their success stories.