Improve Design Optimization to Introduce New Products Up to 90% Faster

Increase efficiency by ensuring products cost less to produce and are more reliable by validating that designs meet market requirements and result in less maintenance and fewer repairs

Design for manufacturing, service, and real-world results

Design optimization can improve efficiency and reduce costs across the value chain. When products are tested for real-world conditions through simulation against real-time performance data, you can ensure they're designed to run to spec—eliminating both rework to solve for design failures and extra service calls for maintenance and repair. PTC customers who use design optimization solutions achieve:

Up to

Reduced preventative maintenance

Up to

Faster on-site service

Up to

Faster NPI time

Up to

Reduction in scrap

Maximize efficiency with product design optimization

Design optimization doesn't just address design—it improves efficiency along every step of a product or machine's lifecycle. Is the product running to spec? Are there any unused features that can be designed out? How will this material hold up to real-world stresses and conditions?

Ensure your team is engineering for value, reduce your time to market, and minimize ineffective prototyping and trial-and-error testing by using simulation and analysis tools to ensure testing is as effective as possible. Address potential design failures, minimize rework, and reduce service calls by creating a feedback loop of historic and current usage data into your CAD design system. The possibilities are endless.

Smart, connected design

See the design potential of incorporating industrial IoT data into your CAD software. Collect real-world product data from the field and use it to design, simulate, test, and improve new generations of products. Make Products Smarter

Remote condition monitoring

Understand the current performance of products against exact specifications by accessing both real-time and historical operating data that you can feed back into development cycles. Explore Remote Monitoring

Simulation and analysis

Trial-and-error testing inefficiently burns through design cycles and materials. Improve the agility of your engineering processes by running simulation analysis based on real-world feedback and conditions. Simulate and Optimize

Generative design

Ensure products perform to spec from their first production and hit their cost targets by analyzing different fabrication techniques and interactively specifying requirements and goals to meet material, cost, and performance needs. Explore Generative Design
Enhance design optimization with PTC

Real-time CAD design feedback

Understand the stresses and loads your product will undergo in real-world conditions to resolve both basic and complex design issues and adapt the design before the prototyping stage.

Flexible 3D modeling

Accelerate the design of parts and assemblies while improving productivity in multi-CAD environments. Enhance your smart, connected design capabilities and collaborate more effectively across systems.