EFM Exporter

EFM Suite

Get EFM Exporter as a part of this suite. Learn More

Product Overview

Many flow computers and devices store historical Electronic Flow Measurement (EFM) data used primarily for custody transfer. The EFM Exporter works hand-in-hand with the EFM drivers bundled in the EFM Suite to schedule the retrieval and export of EFM data from flow computers and RTUs to common industry formats like FLOWCAL and PGAS and customizable formats like CSV and SQL.

The EFM Exporter collects EFM data from EFM drivers and maps attributes to defined EFM parameters for upload into flow analysis software. The solution works with both gas and liquid EFM data, providing the same look and feel for both applications.

Supported features for both gas and liquid EFM

  • Free EFM Simulator driver for generating simulated EFM device data
  • Schedule automatic polls for EFM data, and target specific poll times (like 15 minutes past the hour, every hour)
  • Trigger on-demand polls by writing to tags
  • Collect daily and hourly history data in addition to alarms and events
  • Control the name and location of exported files via network paths and wild cards for channel, device, meter, and Meter ID
  • Organize exported data by record times, including support for organizing files by contract hour
  • Map data from one meter to multiple supported export formats
  • Import/export the configuration to CSV and configure projects in Excel
  • Export EFM data to custom CSV files
  • Export EFM data to SQL Databases via ODBC
  • Offers third-party and remote configuration for all exporter types through the Configuration API

Features specific to gas EFM

  • Supports FLOWCAL CFX files (V5 format), with History Types 1 through 4
  • Supports FLOWCAL Transaction Queue, with History Types 1 through 4
  • Supports export to PGAS V8
  • Supports ABB Totalflow, Enron Modbus, Fisher ROC and ROC Plus, and OMNI Flow Computer drivers

Features specific to liquid EFM

  • Supports FLOWCAL CFX (V7 format), with History Types 11 through 13
  • Supports ABB Totalflow, Fisher ROC Plus, and OMNI Flow Computer drivers
  • English

Access and search all Kepware product release notes here.

Supported EFM Flow Measurement Software Solutions

  • FLOWCAL (CFX V5 format for gas; CFX V7 format for liquid)
  • Quorum PGAS v8
  • .CSV
  • SQL Database (ODBC)

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