Siemens S7 Plus Ethernet

Manufacturing Suite

Get Siemens S7 Plus Ethernet as a part of this suite. Learn More

Siemens Plus Suite

Get Siemens S7 Plus Ethernet as a part of this suite. Learn More

Product Overview

The Siemens S7 Plus Ethernet driver provides Symbolic access to S7-1200 and S7-1500 PLCs through the native S7 Comm Plus protocol. With online automatic tag generation there is no longer a need to manually transfer your tags from your TIA Portal Projects. The Siemens S7 Plus Ethernet driver supports optimized and non-optimized block access as well as symbolic reads and writes of time, elementary and array elements.

  • Supports symbolic reads/writes of the following elementary data types: Bool, Byte, Char, Sint, USInt, Int, Word, UInt, Dint, DWord, UDInt, ILInt, Real (float-type), Lint, LWord, LReal (Float-type)
  • Supports individual array elements
  • Allows access to S7-1500/1200 PLCs protected by password or certificates and programmed with TIA Portal v16 thru v18
  • Supports symbolic reads/writes of the following time types: S5Time, Time, Time of Day, Date Time Long (DTL)
  • Online auto-tag generation directly from devices that have symbolic names attached, is accessible and marked visible to the HMI
  • Supports for the following complex data types: UDT members, Struct members and DTL members
  • 256 channels total channels with 16 devices per channel
  • Siemens S7 Comm Plus
  • S7-1200- Family
  • S7-1500- Family
  • English
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Simplified Chinese

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