IoT & Augmented Reality in Federal Aerospace & Defense

Connect, monitor, analyze, orchestrate, optimize, and engage

Aerospace and defense meets IoT and augmented reality

Today’s aerospace and defense leaders must work harder and faster than ever to meet the increasing demands of their missions and constituents. These challenges are amplified by a resurgence in defense spending, a developing space race, and geopolitical uncertainty. The prospect of value from emerging technologies like IoT and augmented reality is quickly shifting from theory to reality. From the designer’s desktop, the factory floor, and to operating environments on land, air, sea, and space—the digital thread is being stretched across the entire product lifecycle.

Augmented reality, paired with the insights from real-time IoT data, enables technicians to leverage digital information, where and when they need it most, in context to the physical equipment. Scalable, easily consumable AR experiences improve workforce productivity and operational efficiency for manufacturing, service, and training processes on warfighter and industrial systems. Exceed mission expectations, tighten OODA Loops, and reduce downtime with AR and IoT.

Case studies


Baesystems Logo

Smarter aerospace factory operations with augmented reality

MRO-Network highlighted PTC Vuforia's augmented workshop solutions to boost smarter aerospace factory operations. Thanks to remote-expertise functionality, scalable AR content like MRO procedure guidance, training programs, and work instructions can be created. Howden, an industrial manufacturer, combined the power of PTC Vuforia Studio with the Microsoft HoloLens for immersive, real-time change for their customers.

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BAE Systems leverages the power of mixed reality with Microsoft and PTC

BAE, a multinational defense, security, and aerospace company, created interactive mixed reality (MR) work instructions for HoloLens using Vuforia Studio software. MR enabled BAE to train first-line workers 30-40% more efficiently.

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Upskill your workforce to improve quality and productivity

The success of your manufacturing, service, and sales teams relies upon the efficiency of your skilled workforce. Discover how industrial augmented reality can empower your operators, technicians, and salespeople while significantly reducing costs.


IoT and augmented reality solutions:

Cirrus Aircraft demos Analytics, big data, and business intelligence
What IoT/augmented reality means for the enterprise The IoT transforms manufacturing
MRO Americas 2018 AR guided remote maintenance