KEPServerEX: One Data Source for Your Industrial Automations

KEPServerEX solves connectivity challenges—providing secure, reliable access to real-time industrial data so teams from the shop floor to the top floor can make smarter decisions

What is KEPServerEX?

KEPServerEX is the industry’s leading connectivity platform that provides a single source of industrial automation data to all your applications. Users can connect, manage, monitor, and control diverse automation devices and software applications through one intuitive user interface. KEPServerEX leverages OPC (the automation industry’s standard for interoperability) and IT-centric communication protocols (such as SNMP, ODBC, and web services) to provide users with a single source for industrial data.

Ready to get connected? Contact sales or purchase drivers, suites, and advanced plug-ins today.

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KEPServerEX: Explore our business value

KEPServerEX provides the connectivity, usability, and performance required by the modern enterprise—offering competitive benefits from the plant floor to IT to the boardroom.

<p>KEPServerEX provides the connectivity, usability, and performance required by the modern enterprise&mdash;offering competitive benefits from the plant floor to IT to the boardroom.</p>


Advanced application security features to meet site security requirements. Enhanced messaging security via SSL and TLS across network topologies.

Advanced application security features to meet site security requirements. Enhanced messaging security via SSL and TLS across network topologies.


The KEPServerEX code base is trusted on more than 75,000 sites globally and was built by industrial automation connectivity experts.

The KEPServerEX code base is trusted on more than 75,000 sites globally and was built by industrial automation connectivity experts.


Scalable unified architecture, providing the flexibility to combine drivers and consume multiple protocols in a single server.

Scalable unified architecture, providing the flexibility to combine drivers and consume multiple protocols in a single server.

Unlock the value of a single UI for industrial connectivity

KEPServerEX connects disparate devices and applications, from plant control systems to
enterprise information systems.

Here’s a closer look at how connecting devices and applications from the shop floor to the top floor supports a variety of use cases.


Support the broadest range of drivers available, including current and legacy devices across various verticals, a variety of wired and wireless network mediums, and connectivity to databases, custom software applications, and other OPC servers.

Discover Industrial Connectivity


Provide data access for client applications (such as MES and SCADA) and IoT and Big Data analytics software via OPC, proprietary protocols, IT protocols, and flow measurement export to common Oil & Gas industry formats.

Discover Seamless Interoperability


Simplify the configuration of connected applications by providing a single point of entry to all information—eliminating the need to purchase, operate, troubleshoot, and maintain multiple disparate solutions for discrete connectivity.


Control user access to the server, data source, or data values, regulate read/write access, provide the ability to connect or disconnect client applications, and support the configuration of secure data tunnels.


Isolate device and application communications for troubleshooting, offering OPC diagnostics for real-time and historical views of OPC events and communications diagnostics to capture the protocol frames transferred between the server and any device.


Sharing data and increasing visibility between your industrial systems can positively impact key business metrics—from quality and compliance to speed and efficiency.

Discover Data Visibility

KEPServerEX: Technology for today’s connected industrial enterprise

A single source of industrial automation data for all your applications, KEPServerEX provides critical technical features that enable accessibility, aggregation, optimization, connectivity, security, and diagnostics. Explore the latest features and enhancements that make KEPServerEX enterprise-ready and IoT-friendly.

Application continuity: Keep OPC client apps connected

The KEPServerEX connectivity platform offers simultaneous accessibility to client applications through an ever-growing list of supported industry standards, proprietary technologies, and native client interfaces including:

  • DDE Native Interface
  • FastDDE/SuiteLink Native Client Interface:
  • iFIX Native Client Interface
  • MQTT
  • ODBC
  • OPC Alarms and Events (AE)
  • OPC Data Access (DA)
  • OPC Historical Data Access (HDA)
  • OPC Unified Architecture (UA)
  • REST
  • SNMP
  • Splunk
  • Thin-Client Terminal Server

Remote management and configuration

With the Configuration API, remotely apply programmatic changes to KEPServerEX configuration via third-party client applications that utilize a REST-based API—such as web clients, SCADA software that supports HTTP, and Internet of Things (IoT) platforms. With minimal programming, remotely change any project and use templates to standardize creation and naming among different device types. All changes take effect immediately. The Configuration API is helpful for users with large, constantly changing projects.

The Configuration API offers the features needed to bundle actions into a single transaction, programmatically complete key tasks, and easily optimize KEPServerEX performance such as:

  • Programmatic Object Management: Apply programmatic changes to Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) objects—such as channels, devices, and tags—in the server
  • Simplify Project Creation: Programmatically build project files or load full projects from a mapped file directory
  • Batch Tasks: Create an object with a child hierarchy in a single transaction or multiple objects in a single transaction
  • Programmatic Access: Programmatically access the Event Log, configure drivers, and oversee users and permissions
  • Configuration Security: Protect the project configuration by restricting modifications by role

Explore it further by downloading the sample Configuration API code today.

Localizations: Discover global tools

Top-tier Kepware drivers and core components of KEPServerEX are localized into Japanese, German and Simplified Chinese. These localizations give native Japanese, German and Chinese speaking-users more accessibility and confidence when configuring, monitoring and troubleshooting KEPServerEX.

Language selection is easy to access, so users can change their preferred language at any time. Japanese, German and Simplified Chinese localizations are installed by default where available.

  • Drivers: Drivers have been localized for products such as Allen-Bradley, MODBUS, Mitsubishi, OMRON, and Siemens.
  • Interface: Non-driver items that have been localized include the Administrative Panel, Configuration Utility, Connection Sharing, and more. Get the full list below.
  • Support: Help Documentation, Event Logs, and Installation support have been localized. Get the full list of non-driver localizations below.

Establish Media Level Redundancy for reliable access

Media Level Redundancy establishes a redundant connection to a single device or a pairing of two devices.

Media Level Redundancy for KEPServerEX enables users to quickly and easily establish redundancy, ensuring reliable communications with critical assets. In the event of a failure, Media Level Redundancy allows the duplicate device or redundant system to take over without interrupting service—preventing data loss, maximizing uptime and increasing the availability of industrial data. Redundancy supported includes:

  • Communications Path Redundancy: Communications Path Redundancy provides multiple network paths to communicate to a critical device.
  • Device Pairs Redundancy: Device Pair Redundancy configures two devices as a redundant unit.
  • Dual Redundancy Options: Users can combine the redundancy types to eliminate the single point of failure with either option.

Secure and reliable OPC tunneling

Kepware's OPC tunneling solution uses a client/server architecture for secure and reliable real-time data tunneling through firewalls and across the internet, WAN, or LAN. It allows for easy remote communications between devices, data sources, and applications by eliminating the reliance on Microsoft COM and DCOM technology.

Key OPC tunneling benefits include:

  • Easy Setup: KEPServerEX OPC Tunneling offers easier setup and configuration than DCOM
  • Firewall Friendly: Easily tunnel through firewalls to share the data needed between OPCs
  • Widely Compatible: The KEPServerEX robust portfolio of client interfaces and devices
  • Secure: Secure and reliable data transfer using 256-bit AES message signing and encryption
  • Scalable: Multi-threaded architecture and non-blocking asynchronous messaging for performance, scalability, and reliability

Security policies management

Streamline your OPC data and project security. KEPServerEX Security Policies allow administrators to assign security access permissions on individual objects (such as channels, devices, and tags) based on user roles. It is used in conjunction with the server's User Manager, which enables management of user groups, users, and default security settings. Security Policies are included with KEPServerEX, no additional purchases required. The tools allow you to:

  • Allow and deny Dynamic Tag addressing
  • Organize security policies by user groups
  • Support for the following user group access categories:
    • Dynamic Addressing
    • I/O Tags
    • System Tags
    • Internal Tags
    • Browsing
  • Support for the following user group permission types:
    • Read
    • Write
    • Browse
  • View and locate prior changes through the advanced plug-in interface’s font styling hierarchy and color scheme
  • Copy permissions for the current access category to/from a user group
  • Move permissions for the current access category to/from a user group

ThingWorx native interface for KEPServerEX

With minimal configuration required, the ThingWorx Native Interface feeds industrial data—provided by KEPServerEX—directly into ThingWorx. All the data in KEPServerEX is immediately available to browse within the ThingWorx Composer, so users can easily manage tags for all their connected Things, visualize and analyze data, kick off events in other systems, and more.

The ThingWorx Native Interface takes less than ten minutes to implement—enabling unparalleled time-to-value for IoT applications across diverse industries.

Key benefits of the ThingWorx Native Interface for KEPServerEX include:

  • Remote Project Loading: Users can easily deploy KEPServerEX projects remotely—while editing network settings, configuring and managing KEPServerEX instances from a single ThingWorx interface.

  • Store and Forward: Users can seamlessly transfer data between KEPServerEX and ThingWorx—even in the event of a communication loss or unstable connection.

  • Proxy Support: Users can connect KEPServerEX to ThingWorx via a proxy in order to implement network and security best practices when connecting to the cloud or via a wide area network (WAN).

KEPServerEX case studies

KEPServerEX gives industrial enterprises the tools they need to overcome connectivity challenges. Connect disparate industrial systems and devices from plant control to enterprise IT with one source of automation data. Explore our industry-specific case studies to learn more about how these solutions are helping companies like yours.


Teel Plastics

Teel reduced human error in manufacturing by deploying PTC's Internet of Things solutions to automate processes on the shop floor.

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Hirotec launched an IOT initiative supported by industrial data from Kepware to reduce reactive maintenance and minimize downtime.

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Facing new traceability requirements across 330 sites across 34 countries, leading automotive equipment supplier Faurecia utilized Kepware solutions to standardize operations across the entire organization.

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Abb, a leading power and automation company integrated KEPServerEX for scalability across thousands of well sites.

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Brembo relied on KEPServerEX to integrate disparate sources of process data and gain insights into plant floor operations.

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As a global provider of contract drilling services, Rowan was able to implement an all-encompassing data initiative utilizing Kepware within a mere six months, enabling secure data transfer, real-time monitoring, diagnostics, and more between onshore and offshore locations.

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KEPServerEX connectivity platform


Ready to see how KEPServerEX solves common connectivity challenges? Watch this two-minute video on how the KEPServerEX connectivity platform provides secure and reliable access to real-time industrial data so everyone from the shop floor to the top floor can make smarter decisions.

Discover how the KEPServerEX connectivity platform can transform your operations with streamlined industrial connectivity solutions and how it's helping to transform businesses like yours today.


KEPServerEX resources

Kepware product store

Search through the 150+ drivers, advanced plug-ins, and suites for KEPServerEX to connect your factory today.

Find a Kepware partner

Located outside the US? See Kepware list of partners who can assist with sales, implementation, training and more.


The following frequently asked questions can help you navigate the KEPServerEX product offerings.

What is the cost of KEPServerEX?

There is no specific line item or cost associated with KEPServerEX when making a purchase. KEPServerEX is sold “à la carte” based on the different drivers and advanced plug-ins needed to establish the desired communications. These are what determine the price.

What are drivers, suites, and advanced plug-ins?

KEPServerEX is more than an OPC server—it's a connectivity platform for industrial automation and IoT. Simply download KEPServerEX, and then select from Kepware's library of more than 150 device drivers, client drivers, and advanced plug-ins to fit the communication requirements unique to your industrial control system.

What is a suite?

A suite is a collection of drivers and advanced plug-ins for KEPServerEX. These products have been bundled into suites by vertical industry, device manufacturer, or industrial application for the convenience of our customers.

Additional suites can be licensed on demand as connectivity needs evolve.

What is a driver?

A driver is a software component that enables KEPServerEX to meet the connectivity requirements of a specific device, system, or other data source. The driver handles all proprietary communications to the data source for KEPServerEX; the client interfaces handle all supported OPC, proprietary, and open standards connectivity to applications that monitor or control the devices. Drivers may be licensed individually or in suites. 

Additional drivers can be licensed on demand as connectivity needs evolve.

What is an advanced plug-in?

An advanced plug-in extends the capabilities of the KEPServerEX connectivity platform. It provides enhanced server functionality, increasing the usefulness of data by transforming it beyond raw data in a device register.

Advanced plug-ins may be licensed individually or as part of suites, and can be licensed on demand as connectivity needs evolve.

Are KEPServerEX products sold with device/tag limitations?

The majority of our products are not sold with a limit. There are, however, a handful of products that are sold on a tiered basis as it relates to device or tag count. Please feel free to contact us if you need help identifying those products.

How long does a KEPServerEX product license last?

Kepware products are currently licensed on a permanent basis. Once you have acquired the license with the initial product purchase, you do not have to purchase it again.

Is support and maintenance required with KEPServerEX?

While a Support and Maintenance Agreement is mandatory for the first year, extending it is strongly encouraged as it provides you with on-going access to our Technical Support team and upgrades to the latest version of the KEPServerEX connectivity platform (generally released two times a year).

How do I determine how many KEPServerEX licenses I need?

KEPServerEX products are licensed on a per server basis; each server would need its own license. As an example, if you had two servers that needed to utilize our Allen-Bradley Suite, you would need to purchase two Allen-Bradley Suite product licenses—one for each instance of KEPServerEX.

Is there a subscription plan for Kepware and KEPServerEX?

Yes—Whether you’re an existing PTC Kepware customer or if you’re ready to start your connectivity journey, a subscription plan is available that will give you access to the following among its many perks:

  • Seamless upgrades along with maintenance and security updates
  • A single type of license environment to manage, minimizing IT and administrative burden
  • Bundled support and maintenance so you never have to worry about your product’s eligibility
  • Long-term pricing benefits for your entire installation—including licensing that can be scaled up or down as needed

Find out how the subscription plan can up-level the benefits of your current or future Kepware implementation in our Kepware Enterprise Licensing E-book.

Where can I get all Kepware product manuals?

View all Kepware product manuals here.

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  • Please select an option
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  • Connecting a single factory
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  • Multi PLC/asset connectivity
  • Single PLC connectivity
  • Internal testing/educational use

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