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What's New in eSupport

PTC Customer Home and eSupport Release Notes

Find out what's new and changed in our online customer tools.


  • Case Logger/Support Assistant Viewer and Tracker  
    • On the Case Viewer added a "Cloud Instance friendly name" to know which instance the User is working.
    • A new filter added on the Case Tracker called Cloud environment so as to easily find Cloud Direct/Portal cases.
    • Servigistics Arbortext Vuforia and Thingworx Products have been moved to the new Support Assistant for better Customer Experience.
    • Thingworx product users will now be offered option to open threads in Community .
    • PTC Arbortext Product Names have been modified to just Arbortext.
    • Added License Exemption Request for Windchill Products in the Support Assistant.
    • Improved the Support Assistant UI that so more customers are driven to PTC Community.
    • The "Security Vulnerability Report" Cases have been removed from igital Tools for Security issues and will be available only to specific PTC restricted groups.
  •  Others
    • Article Title will now be shown to the customers without login into the eSupport Application.
    • Updated installation guide on Creo Parametric trial demo license page.
    • Fixed Update Advisor issue of not showing any data in resolved issues.


  • Portal  
    • When a partner is opening the case "On Behalf of" and "With Customer Information " they are provided with reliable and accurate data accounts, so that they can continue to find appropriate case contacts based on accounts they sold to.;
    • Enabled Oskar for Codebeamer Customers on the Support Assistant;
    • Updated Password Policies for User Login on the eSupport Portal;
    • When a user is opening a case for a SAAS Product, the Product Release and the Datecode Fields are disabled for the User;
    • Codebeamer Users are denied the access of Community option on the Support Assistant;
    • Made some changes on the onboarding emails to the customers;
    • On Support Assistant, when a user tries to open a case with technical areas starting with "License Service", they are redirected to My PTC Assistant with License Management” tile expanded by default;
    • Fixed the issue of on Reference documents search not showing Creo+ deliverables which were published on 15th November;
    • When customer adds a comment to their case on the New Case Viewer, case owner would receive email notifications;
    • The Creo Sketch Download removed from the Creo Page as the Product is retired;
    • Reference Document app shows results ordered latest as per the date first when searched on all releases;
    • Redirect added for the Case Logger Link to My PTC Assistant in the Legacy License Management Portal ;
    • Images shared by the email made visible on the Case Viewer to be updated or deleted if required by the User;
    • In My PTC Assistant, "Product" filed is added under License Management for case logging to capture Product information;
  •  Success Paths
    • Added the ability to download the Success Path as a PDF file so that the users can read it or re-use it later without the need of being connected to the website;
  •  Kepware
    • Kepware Reference documents promoted to Google so users are able to discover content more easily;
    • Provided the ability to Rockwell users to be able to select the Kepware Enterprise as a product to open a case for the same;


  • Portal  
    • Designed the new ThingWorx Product Page;
    • Updated new Severities and Impact fields on the Support Assistant for the Codebeamer Users;
    • Added Documentation Links on the Reference Document Application;
    • Codebeamer Product Users can now log cases with Severities 1, 2 and 3 to better describe the urgency and impact of their issue;
    • Missing fields added to the eDown Disclaimer in Case Viewer for Windchill, Servigistics and Vuforia Cases;
    • Made design fixes on Reference Document App;
  •  Support Guide
    • Added the search box on the Customer Support Guide;
    • Feedback box added to collect Customer inputs, suggestions and feedback on the content of the Guide;
  •  Kepware
    • Fixed issue related to Kepware Return License Tool;


  • Portal  
    • Re-designed Support Portal to include Creo Parametric, ThingWorx and Windchill product pages;
    • Users reminded that additional support options are available in English on the Support Assistant;
    • A SaaS user can now log cases without the requirement to enter an SCN on the Case Logger;
    • Windchill Product Page is ready for the user;
  •  Windchill SaaS
    • Error Message for upload on big file Size corrected for Windchill SaaS;
  •  Kepware
    • Rockwell users can select Kepware Enterprise as a Product to open a support case;
    • Enhanced the redirect message for end Customers of Kepware Partners;


  • Portal  
    • Updates made to several components in the My PTC Home page;
    • Severity value for Servigistics is set by the customer, and no longer calculated by the Derived Severity Model;
    • Case Severity options changed for Windchill, Servigistics & Vuforia Cases;
    • Retired Advanced Partner Program Page and redirected to a message for the customers;
    • Missing fields added to the eDown Disclaimer in Case Viewer for Windchill, Servigistics and Vuforia Cases;
    • Fixed issue related to Partner account who were unable to open cases on behalf of customers.;
    • Enabled Support Assistant for Windchill Product Users;
    • Latest Creo Releases made available in the tools (Case Logger, Update Advisor, Search etc);
    • New Technical Area “Licenses Service - Exemption Request” updated for TWX products;
    • Refined the Feedback Experience in the My PTC Assistant;
    • Prevented customers from re-opening License Management cases from 7 days after closure date;
  •  Cloud Ready Support Assistant
    • Cloud Environment dropdown shows all types of cases for Cloud Users to capture the Cloud information in cases;
    • Tooltip added about the Cloud Environment dropdown to show how it helps;
    • List of Cloud Environments related to the customer shown when "on behalf of" is used to open a case;
    • Added the ability to filter cases by Cloud environment to easily find Cloud Direct/Portal cases;
  •  Kepware
    • Kepware customer are able to enter a hardware key as valid license;
    • Enabled Kepware license tool for all users.;
    • Redirected customers to Partner/TSP who have expired licenses;
  •  Windchill+ Readiness Data Upload
    • Access denied message is shown to the user if Performance Advisor is disabled from Account Management;
    • Added tracker to access user site hit data from the audience base;
    • Files uploaded successful or rejected due to failed validations;
    • Link added on the support site for directly accessing the upload page;
    • Emails sent to customer to notify if the upload failed or successful ;
    • FAQ page link added on the Saas Assessment Page ;


  • Portal  
    • Fixed the issue of Incorrect layout of 'Popular Tasks;
    • Note added on Update Advisor page to show the list of products not supported by the tool;
    • New Technical Area “Licenses Service - Exemption Request” updated for TWX products;
    • "On behalf of" capabilities for "Licenses Service - Exemption Request" Technical Area added;
  •  New User Registration Experience
    • Ability to register as a basic account and Academic user into the portal added;
  •  Kepware
    • Added the ability to open cases in the regular Case Logger and the Kepware Support Assistant for Kepware+ Customers;
    • Kepware customer able to see customer information in the case;
  •  Approval Gate for Account Admission
    • Once the approval gate is enabled for an account, it can be approved or reject by the Online Supervisor with appropriate message;
    • Displaying appropriate messaging to the user who upgrades from premium Account page when CustomerNumber has ApprovalGate Enabled;
    • Deduplication error message shown when a user tries to add the same company that is in pending status or already approved;
  •  Cloud Direct and Cloud Portal
    • Category and Sub category are populated on the My PTC Assistant;
    • Message is displayed to encourage the user to open a Support Case if issue is related to a specific Cloud environment;
    • All Cloud Direct and Cloud Portal cases are routed to the EU-TS-Feedback queue;
    • Added the ability to see and select the specific Cloud environment, for improved grouping and auditing of cases;
    • Added "Search the Knowledge Base" link in MyPTC to point to the new search experience, for improved consistency;
  •  Coveo Search Experience
    • Feedback widget added on the new Search experience;
    • Removed Russian language from available languages;
    • Updated the Knowledge Base link in all welcome e-mails to point to Coveo;


  • Portal  
    • Implemented search for SaaS help center landing pages;
    • Translations made available in languages fr, de, it, es, ja, ko, zh-CN for the support assistant;
    • New eSupport Registration Page Created;
  •  Case Logger/Viewer/Tracker
    • Case Logger made available in Korean Language;
    • Removed the need to insert SCN for Arbortext Content Delivery cases for customer and partner;
    • Made common tracking available on Support Assistant;
    • Banner added in the Support Assistant during Community Maintenance;
    • "Connected" releases for Creo and Windchill removed from the Support Assistant;
  •  Community Onboarding
    • Revamp the Welcome Email design for a Partner account so that emails are more readable and contain all the necessary information;
    • Translations made available for the Welcome Emails;
  •  Creo Product Pages
    • Added link on the My PTC Home Page under Popular Tasks, to direct users to the new experience.;
  •  Digital Success Paths
    • Fix issues identified in DSP design;
    • Various success paths shown as a Card Based Design for better usability and findability;
    • Designed the export functionality of the Success Path to PDF format;
  •  SPR Viewer
    • Release names made clear in the SPR viewer to avoid any confusion;
    • Added the ability to subscribe to SPR status changes for PTC Customer;


  • Portal  
    • Appropriate messages shown on invalid credentials entered into eSupport login
    • E-down disclaimer changed to reflect Derived severity;
    • Created new Help Center Landing pages for SaaS;
    • Added the list of open source software components to view them under the Software Download page;
    • Identified Country in which the Community members are registered known to the PTC employee to provide appropriate support;
    • Fixed issues related to some information from the SPR task not shown properly in the article viewer;
    • Improved hint text and tooltips on Support Assistant;
  •  Case Logger/Viewer/Tracker
    • Updated date information on Case Viewer and Tracker;
    • Fields "severity" and "justification" made mandatory on the Case Viewer;
    • Fixed EDown Preference visibility issue in Old and New Case Viewer;
    • Fixed Attachment Issues in Case Logger;
    • Updated New Case Viewer Design ;
  •  Introduction to Creo Product Pages
    • Added the ability to view the product specific alerts and the banners on the page;
    • Created Feedback options to be submitted to the authors by Users;
  •  ITAR / CUI / NDA user experience
    • Display appropriate message when attempting to close an ITAR / CUI / NDA case;
    • Made case to automatically comply to ITAR conditions in the Creo Support Assistant and eSupport Case Logger;
  •  Kepware
    • User made aware of delayed response times when they select the option "I don't know / I don't have one";
    • Made license ID visible in the case viewer;
  •  Digital Success Path
    • Digital Success Path Design updated;
    • Search enabled withing the success paths;


  • Portal  
    • Content updated on Software Download page for product family "Mathcad Prime";
    • Reference Document Page fixed for Simplified Chinese;
    • The PTC Product Idea Submission Process page is updated with new content;
  •  Case Logger/Viewer/Tracker
    • Updated the Design of the Case Tracker including filters, dates, default technical area.;
    • Comments added to the case in the case viewer in German Language;
    • Fixed bugs in "export to csv" and sorting feature within case tracker;
  •  Support Assistant
    • New Products Added to Support Assistant;
  •  My PTC Assistant
    • Made My PTC Assistant cases open in the new case viewer design;
  •  Article Viewer
    • Fixed issues related to Machine Translation Article Feedback widget;
    • Updated the Feedback Widget to increase Article Feedbacks;
  •  Search
    • Special Pages for Search Created;
    • Made Cosmetic changes to the new search page;
  •  Kepware Case Logger
    • Enabled the customers to views all articles without any basic account restrictions;
    • Added FAQ page for customers;
    • Fixed NDA related issues in case logger;
    • Added conditional redirect from Kepware Case Logger to PTC Kepware Case Logger;

For release information prior to the last 12 months, please refer to our archive.