Understanding the Industry 4.0 Maturity Index

Read Acatech’s in-depth research to learn how you can build your own Industry 4.0 plan for digital transformation.

Understand Your Digital Transformation

Industry 4.0—the term used to describe the widespread integration of information and communication technology in industrial manufacturing—is unlocking new ways to succeed and innovate. But success requires understanding how to structure your implementation. The Acatech Industry 4.0 Maturity Index provides guidance to ensure each stage of implementation returns value and positions you for subsequent phases of innovation.

The newly updated Industry 4.0 Maturity Index research study has been conducted with institutions across every part of the industrial value chain. It identifies the different stages of industry 4.0 maturity—and identifies areas where action is needed within each of those stages.

In addition, we are providing the recently released companion piece, Using the Industry 4.0 Maturity Index in Industry report. This study examines how companies have used the original Maturity Index, shares case study insights, and reveals the trends shaping the future of manufacturing innovation. Together, these reports are indispensable as you prepare your digital transformation initiative.

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