How BID Group Delivers New Revenue and Customer Value with the IoT

On-Demand Webinar

BID Group is one of the largest integrated suppliers in the wood processing industry and is the North American leader in their field. Achieving this position required the company to gain a deep understanding of how their products and services help their customers to operate at the highest level of profitability.

In this webinar Sefton Jubenvill, Vice President, Digital Transformation, BID Group and Jim Brown, President Tech-Clarity discuss how the BID Group leverages IoT solutions to transform their service organization, and add an entirely new revenue stream to the business.

This discussion will look at:

  • How BID Group developed a solid digital transformation strategy for service verse building an in-house solution
  • The importance of listening to customers and how to best incorporate those insights into a solution to guarantee added value
  • The value of their production health module and how this improves customer satisfaction
  • The unique benefits that are passed on to customers to improve mill efficiency and profitability

Don´t miss the discussion. It is a must for any manufacturer looking to make an informed decision about implementing an IoT solution to transform their business. 


Sefton Jubenvill
Vice President, Digital Transformation, BID Group
"Now tasks are taken care of in a cost effective way than has ever been previously possible in our industry"

Jim Brown
President, Tech-Clarity
" The key is how manufacturers transform not just their relationship with their equipment but the relationship with customers and how to make those customers more profitable"

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