Smart Factory Innovation in the Time of Covid-19

World-class automotive supplier VCST is connecting suppliers, people, device, machines, and customers with PTC’s smart factory technology

Smart factory with creo, windchill, thingWorx, and vuforia

Within the BMT-group, VCST is a world-class automotive supplier of powertrain and brake components. VCST customers can rely on more flexibility and a faster response time based on real-time data collection with PTC’s smart factory digital solutions.

VCST is in the process of connecting suppliers, people, devices, machines and customers in systems and smart applications, resulting increased overall efficiency in their organization with and end to end approach. This enables them to reduce operational costs by tracing the behavior of the machines and tools in real-time. The goal is to reduce mean time to repair and OEE losses.

Through digital manufacturing, they want to deliver the highest quality by implementing a smart and digital way of working. This makes them also an attractive employer for skilled and talented future employees.


Innovating in the time of covid-19: A story of collaboration

Moderator Peggy Smedley, Host of the Peggy Smedley Show, interviews executives from VCST Industrial Products, a Belgian automotive industry supplier, Ad Ultima implementation partner, and PTC about VCST’s smart factory initiative.