Clay Wilker: 2024 Manufacturing Leadership Awards Finalist

Listen to Clay Wilker talk to the importance of Continuous Improvement in Manufacturing and his connections to the Shingo Institute.

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Maximize Revenue Growth Across the Value Chain

Optimize your operations to better deliver exactly what your customers want—so you make more money. Increase factory output and service revenue, reduce lead times and lot sizes, and accelerate time to market and new business models to maximize revenue growth and customer lifetime value.

Unlock opportunities that support new revenue growth

If you're wondering how others are maximizing revenue growth, you're not alone. Opportunities exist across the value chain to increase revenue, from faster new product introduction and mass customization opportunities for customers, to creating new Product as a Service business models that expand and monetize your service offerings. At PTC, we leverage proven solutions to help our customers realize and reach the potential of their manufacturing and service organizations by optimizing processes, offerings, and workforce.

When your teams and machines work at top capacity, you're well positioned to increase customer satisfaction and lifetime value, create a sustainable competitive advantage, and see your revenue soar. Manufacturing and service leaders who partner with PTC achieve:

Up to

Up to

Increase in factory output

Increase in factory output

Up to

Up to

Increase in service profitability

Increase in service profitability

Up to

Up to

Reduction in NPI time

Reduction in NPI time

Up to

Up to

Reduction in lead time

Reduction in lead time

Up to

Up to

Decrease in lot size

Decrease in lot size

How to maximize revenue with PTC

In manufacturing and service, every second counts. From factory to field to sales calls, equip your organization with the tools they need to deliver exactly what your customers need, maximizing their lifetime value. PTC’s solutions drive revenue growth by integrating data, processes, people, and technology across your organization. Whether you’re ensuring on-time delivery, advancing your service offerings, or working to reduce scrap and rework, our tools help you:

Create New Business Models

Create new business models

Increase service profitability by up to 30% by introducing Product as a Service and servitization models to your business. Create New Business Models
Increase On-Time Delivery

Increase on-time delivery

Increase factory output by up to 30%, improving on-time delivery performance and driving customer satisfaction. Increase On-Time Delivery
Customer Lifetime Value

Improve customer lifetime value

Optimize your service offering and help your customers improve efficiency to improve your company's customer lifetime value. Customer Lifetime Value
Improve Throughput

Improve throughput

Reduce changeover time by up to 70%, increasing throughput and improving your ability to meet demand. Improve Throughput
Increase Service Revenue

Maximize service revenue

Achieve and increase in service profitability by up to 50% by innovating your service offerings beyond the break-fix cycle. Increase Service Revenue
Drive Speed

Drive speed

Decrease lead time by up to 33%, reducing production cycle times and increasing your overall efficiency. Drive Speed
Explore Upskilling

Enhance agility

Reduce training times by up to 30%, improving workforce productivity and optimizing performance. Explore Upskilling
Offer Mass Customization

Support mass customization

Enable mass customization at scale to give customers exactly what they need, and set your value chain up for success to support custom assemblies and more. Offer Mass Customization
Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Sustainable competitive advantage

Become a market leader across every step of the value chain by reaching new levels of scalability, flexibility, and agility.  Sustainable Competitive Advantage

How PTC helps industrial leaders maximize revenue

Brembo logo
Woodward logo
Groupe Beneteau logo


Brembo maximized bottom-line results by employing PTC's real-time data insights to reduce scrap and minimize downtime.

Explore Their Story


Woodward maximized productivity by leveraging PTC solutions to reduce training times and empower employees to make data-driven decisions.

Read Case Study

Groupe Beneteau

Groupe Beneteau maximized revenue growth by partnering with PTC to enable mass customization and personalization at scale.

Follow Their Journey

Maximize Revenue Growth

Service teams are constantly challenged to cut costs and gain efficiencies. Discover ways to maximize revenue growth and cut costs across the service lifecycle.

Profit from smart connected products

Discover how to differentiate your products to drive top-line and bottom-line business benefits.

Reducing costs across the service lifecycle

Discover how improvements in truck rolls, first-time fix rates (FTFR), and asset uptime, can generate millions in operational savings.

Unleashing high value services through connected assets

Discover why OEMs in all sectors must develop service strategies for their connected product offerings in order to compete in their own future market.