IDC InfoBrief SaaS PLM – The Key to Sustainable Product Innovation

Explore how the broad benefits of SaaS can be applied to elevate PLM capabilities with insights around product innovation, SaaS adoption and drivers, desired outcomes, success factors, and perceived barriers.
PLM, Windchill+

Cloud-Enabled Digital Transformation Accelerates, Sending SaaS Adoption into Overdrive

In this InfoBrief (sponsored by PTC), IDC marks SaaS as a crucial part of the digital transformation mission. Software as service (SaaS) enabled PLM is how organizations can quickly, easily, and efficiently adapt to new challenges and disruptions. Businesses are relying on PLM SaaS to redefine the customer experience and accelerate the creation of innovative products with a more agile, secure way of working.

IDC supports these and other claims with recent research, including global surveys on product innovation, SaaS adoption drivers, success factors, and desired outcomes.

“SaaS PLM is the key to product development in a disrupted, global economy—it simplifies collaboration and streamlines information to improve design, manufacturing, and support processes.” ~IDC