Create a Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Build a sustainable competitive advantage that future-proofs your business with industry-leading products, the highest-performing workforce productivity and premier brand image

Increase your sustainable competitive advantage across the value chain

Every step in the value chain—from product engineering to manufacturing, service, and sales—has the potential to impact your sustainable competitive advantage. Do you have the tools to collaborate effectively across the enterprise?  Are you first-to-market with new, innovative products that customers want? Do your people perform at industry-leading levels? When you connect the dots between people, processes, and products in your value chain, you position your ogrnaization to thrive for years to come.


At PTC, we help our customers achieve new levels of agility, flexibility, and scalability, allowing them to unlock opportunities for success across the value chain. By enabling data visibility and sharing across the enterprise, we empower our customers to:

  • Quickly bring new, innovative products to market 
  • Cost-effectively offer mass customization and personalization options to their customers
  • Combine real-world usage data with simulation and testbed results to optimize future product and process designs
  • Help employees manufacture, QA, maintain, and service product variations efficiently and effectively
  • Shorten sales cycles and grow market share

Our customers leverage PTC digital solutions to implement world-class engineering, manufacturing, service, and sales processes. They attract, engage, and retain top talent, building the workforce they need to succeed today and tomorrow. They take market leadership positions that put distance between them and the competition. Through these people-, process, and product-focused initiatives, they build sustainable competitive advantages for their organizations, driving revenue today and positioning themselves for success in the future.

Developing sustainable competitive advantage starts here

To maintain a steady cycle of new product introductions that meet market need, you need processes that scale and solutions that enable your workforce to flawlessly execute NPIs. Unlock the potential of your value chain by transforming data into actionable insights that drive design validation, product innovation, spare parts optimization, and workforce productivity on the shop floor and the field.

Design optimization

With engineering feedback from connected products, you can combine real-world data with simulation and testbed results to optimize future designs to better satisfy end-user needs. Customer usage data and AI-powered design simulation ensure that your engineers can rapidly iterate and optimize product designs to be safe, reliable, and cost-effective to build, service and support. Speed the Design Process

Real-time data visibility

Enable your engineering teams with real-time data visibility on how products are performing in the lab, field tests, and plant QA/QC. Turn that knowledge into a faster NPI process by iterating future designs.  Data-Driven Insights

Inventory optimization

Ensure you have the necessary inventory in place to immediately support, service, and cross-sell your latest product innovations. Optimize inventory levels and staging  to reflect market demand. Align Inventory to Demand

Field service productivity

A faster NPI time and greater product customization mean more product versions in the field. Cost-effectively train and upskill your field team to stay current, and enable them to tackle any fix, regardless of final product configuration. Empower Your Technicians

Workforce flexibility

A complex product portfolio requires new approaches to onboarding, training, and upskilling.  Digital work instructions and augmented reality-enabled training resources offer procedural guidance that ensures employees know how to build, maintain, and repair products, regardless of their level of customization. Improve Training