
PTCRaleway Font

PTC’s primary font is a slightly modified version of the Raleway font found here: DOWNLOAD FONT. The numbers in our PTC version of Raleway level them all on the same horizontal instead of having each number offset vertically.

If Raleway is not available on a system, the second choice for a font is Open Sans. The final fall back if Open Sans is not available is Century Gothic.

Primary typography: PTCRaleway
Our typography treatment ensures that PTC communications are consistent and expressive of our brand. PTCRaleway is PTC’s primary typeface and plays a major role in establishing PTC’s visual voice.

PTC Employees: Download PTC Raleway font here

Primary typography substitute: Open Sans
Open Sans should be used as a substitute primary font if PTCRaleway is not available.

Download Open Sans font here

Secondary typography: Rajdhani
Rajdhani is a narrow font useful for buttons or other situations where space may be limited. PTC Raleway should always feel like the dominant primary font. Rajdhani has a supporting limited role much like a secondary color palette.

Download Rajdhani font here

Desktop Applications: Century Gothic
PTCRaleway and Open Sans do not come standard on all computers. Default to Century Gothic as it is a system font for all general desktop applications, such as Microsoft PowerPoint® and Microsoft Word®.

Asian Fonts: Noto Sans Noto Sans is the brand font. Noto Sans works for all Asian languages and is free.

Download Noto Sans font here